Kawasaki, they've risen to the chal lenge. Last month, we showed you their initial approach to the project.

Qti the other hand, Tim, founder of American. IronHorse Motorcycle Co., has never touched a metric bike before. Did that stop him from tear- ing the Vulcan, apart? Not a chance. "All I needed was a motor and a transmission," says Tim. "We can make anything fit and work"

However, the big Raw is uncharted territory for Tim and his crew, who have always worked on large American V-twins. Like Tim says, "It's some- thing that's totally out of our- realm." He's had to solicit the help of professionals in the metric field for different aspects of the protect. His shop even had to make new parts for their frame jig before they could start building the
FOR THOSE OF YOU JUST TUNING IN, WE'VE renowned builders Scott Britt and Tim EAnondson to create- two Kawasaki Vulcan 2000 customs exclusively for RoaeSfke. Scott's shop, Britt Custom Metrix, specializes in Yamaha cruisers, and Scott's long been recognized as a leader in his field. Though this is the shop's first shot at a